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Instabridge, l’appli qui simplifie le WI-FI

En bons gastons connectés, on a déjà tous déjà vécu cette scène où, arrivé chez un pote, on se retrouve à lui demander son code WI-FI pour aller sur le web. Mais bon, entre codes introuvables, codes trop longs ou codes mal tapés, la manoeuvre peut  quelquefois se révéler assez galère. Une start-up suédoise  a eu la bonne idée de s’attaquer à ce problème, et ça donne instabridge, une application qui permet de se connecter au WI-FI de ses amis en un clic, via...


Pwn Pad Android device Security tools company Pwnie Express is making a network hacking focused Android device called the Pwn Pad. The device is based on the Google Nexus 7 specs, with USB-based Bluetooth, Ethernet and WiFi to gauge the security of a network beyond what Google’s tablet can manage on its own. Pwn Pad will be introduced at the RSA security conference in San Francisco next week and Pwnie Express is also releasing the Pwn Pad source code. This will allow...

Now can you use facebook Gtalk chat on Terminal with Finch

Finch is a terminal based chat client that you can use to chat using your.. terminal window. To install finch open a terminal window (press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy+paste the following line: sudo apt-get install finch When installed you need to add a line to the bash.rc file. Click on your Home Folder launcher in your Unity panel and press Ctrl+H to show the hidden folders and files. Search for the .bash.rc file, open it and add the following line: export...