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how to unlock an zte skate movistar

n this tutorial I hope to guide you through network unlocking an ZTE SKATE MOVISTAR . This tutorial is based on the one by tilal6991 and many others from the MoDaCo forums and they deserve all the credit for the achievement. Credit for the unlock process itself goes to All I am doing here is trying to give you a beginner (Noob) friendly tutorial on how to xiaoxyaoswim network unlock your device. I will try and keep the tutorial as simple as possible and include as many images as possible.

Network unlocking your device may (probably does) void the guarantee on it in many different ways. There is a risk of total and utter failure of the procedures in this tutorial. I am not responsible for:

  • your phone ending up being unusable and unrepairable
  • the retailer you purchased the device from refusing to take it back as a return, no matter how much you argue with the staff…
  • any tears or tantrums because of your bricked device
  • your ban from aforementioned retailer because of the tears and tantrums
  • you punching kittens in a tantrum
  • the RSPCA prosecuting you because you punched kittens
  • any other of your actions
  • global warming
  • the banking crisis
  • the low number of Jennifer Paige hits in the history of music charts

I am writing this tutorial with the masses in mind. I’ll run the tutorial so it can be done on Windows. If there is sufficient demand I may also write a tutorial for Linux users too. (Leave a comment at the end of the post if you would like a Linux tutorial). Ready? Here we go!

To unlock an ZTE SKATE MOVISTAR you will need a computer running Windows (preferrably Windows 7, but Vista or XP might do) with a spare primary USB port, and an Orange Monte Carlo with its USB cable.

Step 1
Downlaod the ZTE Handset usb driver install it and  Create a new folder on your desktop. You can call it as you wish.

Step 2
Download « QPST 2.7 build 366″ and install it. You may need an unzip package to do that. Once you have installed QPST, you should be ready for step 3.

Step 3
Download the file from here by clicking on the big green Zip link. The download may take a while because it is approximately 150MB in size.

Once you have downloaded the file, unzip it within the folder we created in step 1 on your desktop.

Step 4
Set your phone up for USB debugging. [Menu=> Settings => Applications => Development] and make sure the USB debugging option is ticked.

Make sure « USB debugging » is ticked

Step 5
Connect you phone (switched on) to your computer through a primary USB port. In Windows, you should have the drivers installed automatically by Windows Update. You may have a problem getting this step completed if your firewall is blocking software from accessing your phone. Try looking through this MoDaCo Forum thread if you have problems with drivers (hopefully you don’t…)

Step 6
Run (double click) “install-recovery-windows.bat” from the preparation folder in the folder from step 1 on your desktop.

“install-recovery-windows.bat” running. No need to try and catch it…

You should get an old style black window that looks like this with text popping up. When the program finishes running, the window will automatically close and your phone will reboot. Don’t be alarmed, it may also vibrate.

Step 7
Disconnect the Orange Monte Carlo from your computer, and then remove the back cover and the battery.

Step 8
Wait a few seconds and then reinsert the battery and put the back cover on. Hold the phone and make sure you are pressing the volume down button on the volume rocker on the side when you reinsert the USB cable. Your phone will turn on. Keep holding the volume down button as the green android appears and keep it pressed until a white square with FTM appears onscreen (as in the image).

Step 9
In step 2 you we installed QPST on your computer. Go to your Windows Start button, click it, go to All Programs and there you should have a folder called QPST (you might have to scroll down a bit to find it). In the QPST folder open Software Download.

Step 10
In the Software Download window, select the Backup tab near the top (third tab from the left). In the Port section, select your phone (which should appear if it is in debugging mode and connected to a primary USB port). In the QCN File option, select where to save the .qcn file you are going to generate (I recommend the folder we created on the desktop in step). Once that is done press the Start button just below. The process will take a few seconds and then you will have created a .qcn backup file of your device in the folder you chose.

Close QPST Software Download, but don’t forget about it copmpletely, we’ll need it again later on… (Thanks to dibbles from the MoDaCo Forums for the feedback on this and many other points of the tutorial!)

Step 11
Double check that the .qcn file has a size larger than zero. This is important, so just go to the folder where you saved the .qcn file, right click on it, go to properties and check the size there. It should be approximately  150Kb in size.

Now go to the Unlock folder on your desktop and run Download.exe. A new window will open which should look like this:

Step 13
When you are ready, click the START button and the program will run. This may take a while, and your phone will reboot a few times in during the process.

Once it is done (Ratio 100/100), you will get a popup window saying that the download was successful. You can close that program and go back to the QPST Software Download program.

Step 14
Open QPST Software Download, as we did in Step 9. Select the Restore tab near the top (second from left).

Step 15
In the QCN File section choose your .qcn file from your folder on the desktop and then click the Start button just below and wait for the process to run.

Step 16
Once that is done, close the QPST Software Download window and disconnect your phone from your computer. Your Orange Monte Carlo should now be network unlocked and able to use any SIM card.

Step 17

downlaod the ROM from Here and unzip it

Step 18

Remove your battery and Hold the phone and make sure you are pressing the volume down button on the volume rocker on the side when you reinsert the USB cable. Your phone will turn on. Keep holding the volume down button as the green android appears and keep it pressed until a white square with FTM appears onscreen (as in the image).

Step 19

now go to  GB_TME_P743V1.0.0B07_3 folder and run downlaod.exe file and click  start

Step 20

Once it is done (Ratio 100/100), you will get a popup window saying that the download was successful. You can close that program

Step 21

Remove your USB cable, put the battery back in and any SIM of your choice – your phone is now unlocked!!, enjoy =)


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Ubuntu 11.04 disponible en version beta

La première bêta d’« Ubuntu 11.04 » a été publiée ce matin, mettant ainsi un terme à la phase alpha. Répondant au nom de code « The Natty Narwhal » (le narval chic), cette nouvelle version intermédiaire (ne bénéficiant pas d’un support à long terme) met comme son nom l’indique l’accent sur l’amélioration de son apparence.
« Ubuntu 11.04 » exploite à ce titre l’interface Unity, au détriment de l’interface standard de Gnome, bien qu’elle repose sur cet environnement de bureau. Cette interface maison offre une barre de lanceurs d’applications, un App Menu mais aussi et surtout un Global Menu, qui accueille la barre de menu de l’application active, comme sur Mac OS.

Cette bêta prépare par ailleurs l’adoption de nouvelles applications :

* Le nouvel Ubuntu Software Centre introduit un système de recommandation similaire à celui de l’Android Market
* Le lecteur de musique Banshee remplace Rythmbox
* La suite bureautique LibreOffice remplace
* Firefox 4.0 devient le navigateur Internet par défaut
* La distribution repose sur le noyau Linux 2.6.38, amélioration notamment la prise en charge de multiples puces graphiques

« Ubuntu 11.04 Beta 1 » est donc disponible dès à présent depuis une rubrique dédiée du site internet de la distribution.

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Solution NAS ( Network Attached Storage) Gratuit

FreeNAS est une distribution NAS libre basée sur FreeBSD, supportant les protocoles suivants: CIFS (samba), FTP, NFS, TFTP, AFP, RSYNC, Unison, iSCSI (initiator et target), UPnP et iTunes.

Il supporte le RAID logiciel (0,1,5), ZFS, le chiffrement des disques et la supervision S.M.A.R.T/émail avec une interface de configuration entièrement WEB (basée sur m0n0wall,et peut être installé sur Compact Flash/clé USB, disque dur ou LiveCD.